Why this should be important to you
Platform 365 is certified as compliant with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 which is globally recognised as the premier information security management system (ISMS) standard. We achieved certification by developing and implementing a robust security management programme, including a comprehensive Information Security Management System (ISMS).
We are audited by an independent body (BSI) for this certification, with our processes and security controls tested annually. As well as this we utilise external consultants (ADL Consultancy) to regularly audit us separately to the formal ISO audits, validating that our internal processes are continually being followed.
We have clients across various industries that require data to be managed to specific sector standards so we are acutely aware that it’s the most important service we provide to our clients.
“ISO 27001:2013 certification is the recognition that our team deserves for their excellence in implementing information security management systems and following the processes within these systems as part of their day-to-day activities.
Whilst we already had great practices in place, expanding and improving on these to meet strict BSI standards ensures consistently high outcomes from each and every member our team. This provides our commercial and education clients with confidence that their personal and sensitive information is protected by the systems we implement for them.”
Mark Willis, Director, Platform 365
Why choose Platform 365 for your IT support?
“I’ve 20 years experience in education and IT. During that time I’ve been a Senior Leader and Head Teacher in primary and secondary settings. My role now is to help your school achieve excellence with EdTech solutions.”
Jo Roberts, Schools Development Manager, Platform 365
What our clients say

Is now a good time...
We’d be pleased to speak with you for a free initial consultation. We will listen and understand the challenges you’re facing and, when you’re ready, be available to support you and your school community.
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